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Big Cut & Drill are the concrete cutting Gladstone Qld Experts. For reliable and specialised concrete cutting Gladstone Qld, look no further. Servicing the mining and marine industries and providing over 30 years of experience and knowledge to the industry. Most importantly we will provide consultation with expert advise and a solution to the demands of our clients projects. Providing road sawing of slabs, track and wall sawing to depths of 600+mm and wire sawing to unlimited depths. Call today too talk with an expert and discuss your concrete cutting Gladstone Qld project.

With the versatility to provide any type of concrete cutting Gladstone Qld. Moreover services include concrete core drilling, concrete sawing and concrete scanning. Most importantly the capacity and the willingness to deliver to the demands of all mining, civil and industrial sectors. That is to say there simply is no concrete cutting Gladstone Qld project too big or complex for the team to handle. Most importantly our experienced employees to our technologically advanced concrete cutting Gladstone Qld equipment ensures reliability within all extremities. All things considered, we look forward to being involved with your concrete cutting Gladstone Qld project. Ultimately we will save you time and money, guaranteed.


Innovative, Reliable and Fast With a Commitment to Safety

In an industry that uses as much heavy-duty machinery as concrete cutting Gladstone Qld does, having an unbreakable commitment to safety is a must. In particular, diamond wire cutting—a common type of concrete cutting process—can be dangerous. The wire saws—while highly useful because of their flexibility, manoeuvrability and strength—can snap and whip, thereby creating a workplace safety hazard.

At Big Cut & Drill, we take the risks of using diamond wire saws seriously. We recognise that the work we do and the equipment we use can create potentially dangerous work sites, and we strive to protect our workers, our machinery and our work sites at all times.

Indeed, if you should hire Big Cut & Drill as your concrete cutter in Gladstone Qld, you can trust that we will take all necessary precautions to address and health and safety issues, hazards or other risks before commencing the project. All of our occupational health and safety measures are site-specific, which means that, at every single work site we enter, we will take appropriate measures to eliminate incidentals and minimise hazards and risks.

Once work begins, the commitment to safety still holds strong. Every Big Cut & Drill employee understands that in order too eliminate risks on site involves committing to safe work behaviours, consultation with site supervisors to reporting all potential safety threats. Cooperating with other workers is mandatory too make sure that the entire team and those within the work place are safe from one end of the project pipeline to the next.

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